Mesh Heads #secondlife

I have just picked up the Free Genus Head for myself & the fake Rosa got 1 too

There seems to be a slight problem with the eyebrows on mine, they keep turning white! They are fine on the other one… same head 2 differing looks

I have the same shape I had back in 2007 its the old alady shape, Sophia Loren. Other Rosa had to use the shape that came with the head because her own shape, my own shape that I made for IW & OS,  turned her face into a chip munk when she wore the head haha

The HUD is pretty easy to use, took me a while to figure out how to change the eye colour.  The Basic skins matched my own skin pretty good, so I am happy! 😀

Not sure what is going on with those brows though, same head, same hud (at least they should be) Maybe its the viewer? I use Firestorm for myself & I use the secondlife viewer for fake Rosa as she is the one doing all the work haha

Secondlife is the only Grid in which I wear a full Mesh Body & Head. Does anyone still use the system Avatar? It would be interesting to find out….

I sometimes wear a Ruth Body in OS, its very rare though

Me & my Lovely New Mesh Head… signing out

Stay Safe & Be Well

Rosa 😉

Loving Life… Virtual & Real


In Love with my Belleza Venus Mesh Body 😉

Loving my Life these days, I am so busy. Popping in & Out of so many worlds, creating here there & everywhere. I have lots of New designs to make up & get out there too! This is a little sneak preview of a design I just finished for #secondlife I just have to tweak it a little here & there 😉


Rhinestone Gown

In #opensim I am doing well in #kitely MP & at my store in #digiworldz In #taggrid I have lots of New things soon to be released… still trying to sort out my texture HUD for my all seasons Trees though, furniture has been put on hold for a bit as I have to convert my MLP to the new system… a creators life is never done 😉

Mesh Body Addicts #secondlife

I am slowly becoming a mesh Body addict….

when in Rome…

So I have finally succumbed to the Mesh body. In #opensim I only really wear one to check my appliers & stuff, but in #secondlife oh I just love my new mesh body!

I wanted to see how the Belleza Mesh clothing looked on the Belleza mesh body, that is my excuse for buying one. I did try the demo 1st, but coz my lingerie fitted so well I wanted to redo my posters for #secondlife I couldn’t do that with the demo so I caved… However it took me ages to figure out how to buy the darn thing! Grabbing the demo was easy, when it came to buying the body could I hell figure out how to. I went 3 times to the store & then I saw the tiny square vendor on the corner of the HUGE poster… duh! I can be so dim at times.

So I now have my beautiful Belleza Venus mesh body & I love it! I love the hands too!

As I am having to redo all of my posters for #secondlife anyway I may as well redo the photo’s too. I think the lingerie looks much better on the Mesh Body than it does on the classic 😉

Back in #secondlife

I never would have believed that I would ever sell my stuffs in SL again after having left there over 9yrs ago! But I am a metaverse globetrotter these days, selling my wares here there & everywhere, so why not SL 😉

My Main account there was deleted in 2010, I created a new one 4yrs ago & used to pop in just to purchase from some of my fave Fashion Creators… It feels good to put on good clothing that I have not created myself sometimes.

I had to have a premium account to be able to sell on the MP, then I had to download the SL viewer so I could list my stuffs… no more boxes to drag my stuffs into. The MP itself was a lot easier to figure out than the kitely one was, took me about an hour, just testing things to get it right. Think my browser is interfering with some of the functions though.

I now have a store on the #secondlife Market place, under a different name though, but its there, they are active… Now I just have to figure out the appliers so I can put more stuffs up… jeez it will cost a small fortune!

Well when you play with the big boys you gotta pay with the big bucks!

Rosa 😉

sl store

Rose Petal Creations @ #KitelyMarketPlace

I finally managed to get into kitely & upload some stuffs… thanks to a very good friend. I found the Market place to be very confusing at 1st, but now I think its great! It has taken me all evening to upload & make up 3 Outfit sets. The Mesh is easier to do than the Outfits that have a lot of attachments. I am hoping to upload more system outfits tomorrow, but I am waiting on a dev kit for the Sapphira Mesh Body, I have the Ruth applier sorted.

I am really happy to finally have a store on kitely Market, within 5 minutes of me placing the 1st outfit I had a sale & an offer of a free store in Kitely Grid 😀

The pricing I found a bit confusing because you sell in $ minimum being $1 You can also sell in Kitely Credits, so I opted for both. I think it works out slightly more than I charge inworld, not sure I will have to work it out, but hey I am in 😉


My store front on Kitely Market

Teaching myself about #Mesh Bodies…

I have been looking today at the Free .blend files for the Bento Mesh Bodies. I have never really looked at creating Mesh Bodies before, but there is a call/need for them in OS Especially Tiny Avatar’s. I managed to upload a tiny Fairy today, after much fiddling about as I forgot the head. I had always believed Mesh Bodies to be quite complicated, but today I have learnt that they are not as complicated to me as I had believed they would be. Now that I know that I am seriously considering creating Mesh Bodies.

I am learning how to script the Mesh Bodies for clothing & skin applications… a major headache for me, but it is also a great challenge & I cannot resist a challenge 😉

When I 1st started learning Mesh Creation I started with Characters, but I never rigged them or textured them it was just for learning. It started with the Monkey head in blender & then just progressed from there. So that is something else I would like to work on…

Of course all of this is in between stocking up my stores in 4 Worlds!

I visited another couple of grids yesterday. I don’t hyper I like to create my Avatar on each of them. I had the idea of putting my stuffs in the kitely Market, however when I finally did make it into Kitely, I was not allowed to leave the welcome area… I couldn’t go to a sandbox, which I would need to upload a lot of stuff… so bang goes that idea!

ggrrs forgot tags!